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Price per night:

price from €65


Description for B&B:

The bedroom suites in this area are around 20 m2 in size and offer privacy. Each suite is equipped with a double bed and a comfortable mattress, along with its own bathroom and WC. Internet connection is available in every room free of charge. The suites also include a dresser and a wardrobe for your convenience.

The neighborhood is peaceful and free from any disturbances. You are welcome to use a portion of the fridge during your stay. While dogs are accepted, they will not be allowed in the rooms. A designated area in the living room will be reserved for them. I am here to assist you in selecting activities or even accompany you if desired.


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To reach Saint Maximin la Sainte Baume, head towards Marseille on D 560 for 10 kilometers. At the roundabout, take a left turn onto D 80 towards Nans les Pins and continue for 2 kilometers.

If you are coming from the Aix en Provence TRAIN STATION, it is 45 kilometers away. You can take the bus line LER36 to reach your destination. Alternatively, if you are arriving at Marignane AIRPORT, it is 60 kilometers away and can be reached by taking the LER36 bus line.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Laisser la maison dans l'état où vous l'avez trouvé. Les fumeurs devront aller sur la terrasse. Droit d'emmener votre Chien, s'il est calme et respectueux.sans accès aux chambres possibles.


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed

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