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Bernadette Graillot
Domaine du Marais


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €95






Description for B&B:

Built in the 14th century, this enchanting castle is encircled by a serene moat. Within the castle's keep, you will find three generously-sized guest bedrooms, each exquisitely adorned with beautiful stencilwork, painted furniture, and captivating motifs. Prepare to indulge in a tranquil and rejuvenating stay, ensuring a serene and peaceful experience.


Appréciations pour Château du Marais, Gimouille:

Parfait !
Review by: Thib, Avr 18 2017 3:49PM
Nous avons séjourné 3 nuits au Château du Marais. Tout était parfait ! Bernadette a tout fait pour rendre notre week-end le plus agréable possible. Cest une hôte accueillante, sympathique qui connaît très bien la région et qui se fait une joie de donner tout un tas de bons conseils, notamment sur les villes de Nervers et dApremont-sur-Allier qui sont à quelques minutes en voiture et qui sont formidables. Le Château du Marais possède aussi toute son histoire. Il est beau, bien conservé, les chambres sont propres et indépendantes. Et le petit-déjeuner est royal ! Bref, un super week-end dans la peau de châtelains.

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From Paris, take the A6 and A77 motorways. Take exit 37 for Bourges on the D976. Château du Marais is located 400 meters up on the right-hand side, after passing "Pont-Carreau".



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Bed 160cm wide
Notes: Bed 140 cm and bes 90 cm




  • Nevers Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Nevers, this stunning Gothic cathedral is known for its impressive architecture and beautiful stained glass windows. It is a popular religious and historical site, attracting visitors from all over the world.
  • Palais Ducal: Situated in Nevers, the Palais Ducal is a medieval palace that once served as the residence of the Dukes of Nevers. It features a mix of Gothic and Renaissance architectural styles and houses the Nevers Municipal Museum, displaying a collection of art and historical artifacts.
  • Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours: For motorsport enthusiasts, the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours is a must-visit attraction. Located just outside of Nevers, this famous racing circuit has hosted numerous Formula One races and offers exciting experiences like track days, karting, and driving simulators.
  • Château de Bazoches: Situated in the village of Bazoches, this well-preserved medieval fortress offers a glimpse into the past. Once the home of Maréchal Vauban, a famous military engineer, the castle features stunning architecture, picturesque gardens, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Apremont-sur-Allier: This charming village, located along the banks of the Allier River, is known for its beautiful floral gardens. Apremont-sur-Allier boasts meticulously maintained gardens, a picturesque castle, and a peaceful atmosphere, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers and those seeking tranquility.
  • Parc Floral d'Apremont: Adjacent to the village of Apremont-sur-Allier, this floral park is a paradise for flower enthusiasts. Spanning over 3 hectares, it showcases a wide variety of flowers, plants, and trees, creating a colorful and fragrant environment that is a delight to explore.
  • Musée de la Faïence Frédéric Blandin: Located in Nevers, this museum is dedicated to showcasing the art of faience pottery. Visitors can admire an extensive collection of decorative ceramics, learn about the history and techniques of faience production, and even participate in workshops to create their own pottery.
  • Circuit de Lurcy-Lévis: Situated in the town of Lurcy-Lévis, this motorsport circuit offers various driving experiences and activities. From go-karting to driving high-performance cars, visitors can indulge in their love for speed in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Château de Villemolin: Situated in the village of Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier, this Renaissance-style castle is surrounded by a moat and offers guided tours. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history, admire its architecture, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the surrounding park. 10. La Charité-sur-Loire: Located along the Loire River, this picturesque town is known for its UNESCO World Heritage-listed Cluny Abbey. Visitors can wander through the medieval streets, visit the abbey, and explore the charming bookshops that line the streets, making it a delightful destination for book lovers. These attractions near Domaine du Marais offer a mix of historical, cultural, natural, and motorsport experiences, providing something for everyone to enjoy in the region.

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