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La Bertellière
Souligné Flacé


1 reviews

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price from €53




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Appréciations pour La Bertellière, Souligné Flacé:

la grenouille
Review by: danielle Chapon, Aou 26 2016 1:30PM
Un jardin laissé à la nature et une maison envahie par les grenouilles dont la propriétaire fait collection.
Compensés par un accueil très chaleureux des propriétaires toujours aux petits soins pour les clients.
Table d'hôtes très très bonne et très bon contact avec Lily et Bruno.
Faites le détour les propriétaires sont super sympa et le cadre est très nature, et si vous possédez une grenouille n'hésitez pas à l'amener pour faire le bonheur de Lily.
Encore un grand merci pour votre accueil et votre gentillesse
Les Chti gernouilles

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3 53 18 oui


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  • Le Mans Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Le Mans, this stunning Gothic-style cathedral is known for its impressive stained glass windows and architectural grandeur. It offers visitors a chance to appreciate the rich history and cultural heritage of the region.
  • Circuit de la Sarthe: Motor racing enthusiasts will be thrilled to visit the Circuit de la Sarthe, which hosts the famous 24 Hours of Le Mans race. Explore the circuit and its museum to learn about the history of this iconic endurance race and see some remarkable racing cars.
  • Jardin des Plantes du Mans: Situated in Le Mans, this beautiful botanical garden is a tranquil oasis with various themed gardens, including a rose garden, an English-style garden, and a tropical greenhouse. It's an ideal spot to relax, enjoy nature, and take a leisurely stroll.
  • Château du Lude: Located in the charming village of Le Lude, this Renaissance castle is surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens. Take a guided tour of the castle's opulent interior, admire the impressive architecture, and enjoy the picturesque views.
  • Papea Parc: A popular amusement park located in Yvré-l'Évêque, Papea Parc offers a range of entertainment options for all ages. Enjoy thrilling rides, water attractions, mini-golf, and various shows, making it a perfect family-friendly destination.
  • Abbey of Solesmes: Situated in the village of Solesmes, this Benedictine monastery is renowned for its Gregorian chant. Visitors can attend the daily liturgical services and explore the beautiful abbey church, immersing themselves in the peaceful ambiance of monastic life.
  • Zoo de La Flèche: Located in La Flèche, this well-regarded zoo is home to over 1,500 animals from around the world. Explore the different animal habitats, attend educational shows, and even have the opportunity to interact with some of the animals.
  • Château de Villaines-la-Juhel: Situated in Villaines-la-Juhel, this medieval fortress stands majestically overlooking the surrounding countryside. Take a guided tour to discover its rich history, explore the castle's towers and dungeons, and enjoy panoramic views from the top.
  • Musée Vert: Located in Le Mans, this natural history museum offers a fascinating insight into the region's flora, fauna, and geological heritage. Discover a vast collection of fossils, minerals, and preserved animal species, making it a great educational outing. 10. Galerie David d'Angers: Situated in Angers, this art museum showcases the works of the renowned sculptor, David d'Angers. Admire his masterpieces, including sculptures and bas-reliefs, and learn about the artist's significant contribution to French art. Please note that distances and availability may vary, so it is recommended to check the opening hours and any specific requirements before visiting these attractions.

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